Added viewable clublog sent, qrzcom sent, hamqth sent fields to the list of available fields in grid. N7dr does a great job on the manual, which is the best ive seen for amateur radio logging software. Airhamlog online amateur radio logbook airhamlog is a modern logging software for amateur ham radio operators. Free windows amateur radio logging program written by bob furzer, k4cy the author of zakanaka. Mircules ham quicklog describing the great new ham. Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 101 web resources on, call book log 3, airhamlog online amateur radio logbook. It looks like your good old paper logbook and the has benefits of a computer logger. Nov 16, 2018 radio amateurs use logbooks special software, where all qsos are logged. I wanted to create easy to use software for my station that performed a variety of functions for contesting and general logging. Wsjtx, js8call, mixw, fldigi logging, lotw eqsl full synch and much more. My particular brand of contesting is tworadio singleop, mostly on hf cw, although i use a k1ea dvp for ssb contests as. Beginning with a robust database engine, ham radio deluxe logbook screams operating convenience.
Logging ac6vs amateur radio and dx reference guide. Mircules ham quicklog is great new ham radio logging software for the ipad, for quick and easy ham logging. Cqrlog is an advanced ham radio logger based on mysql database. Ham radio deluxe best logging software for amateur radio operators qso logging with control for ham radios, dx cluster, operating awards. Software suites are designed to provided integrated applications that should cover the basic needs for operating a digital shack. Bblogger, is a free windows logging software to fully manage you amateur or short wave listener radio station. Other software applications hide important features out of plain sight, and come with a steep learning curve and myriad settings to configure. May 05, 2020 rumlogng is a ham radio logging, qsl handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave dxer, made by a dxer. Bandscope psk31 binary demo using ham radio deluxe dm780 software flex1500 using ham radio deluxe and jt65hf n7jfp how to setup and use the pskreporter in ham. When multiple applications are running, they sense each others presence and automatically interoperate to support your amateur radio dxing activities. The software works inside your browser, making it possible for you to use with any device connected to the internet. Logging software for the most demanding radio amateur. Ham radio deluxe software the radio amateurs best asset. Winlog32 logging screen a screenshot of winlog32, showing the unique but neat, uncluttered and functional layout of the main logging screen that many love using.
Uses sound card for dvk but also dvk interface for w9xt. Logpsk this software is a logbook made to work better with psk31sbw and pskgnr. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1. A comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. Im often asked what logging software i use and what is the sdr module in the middle of my screen. Rover support for qso parties and other contests which support this.
Some of the best ham radio software available for the mac or any other platform for that matter. Id prefer an easy to use program as im still a one finger typer, but i would like to be able to have the following features as i have had a look on the web for. Thanks for visiting our amateur radio software website. Xmlog is an amateur radio logbook system for windows xp, vista, 7, 8 and 10. Klog klog the free ham radio logging program for linux. N1mm logger is the worlds most popular ham radio contest logging program. Transceiver control with bandspread controls up to 4 alinco, dzkit. Writelog can make contesting more fun and help improve your scores.
Dxtreme station log 14 integrates with afreet omnirig, a freeforamateuruse rig control program available over the web. Ham radio deluxe is starting to get my attention, however. General logging programs that have been used by ecars net control operators 1. There are many ways to log ham radio contacts, were going to go over five or. Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 101 web resources on, bklog log book and contest program, wireless field day log program, qrppal for windows. Dxlab is a freeware suite of eight interoperating applications that can be installed independently in any order. When omnirig is installed and configured on your pc. The linux ham radio logging software is featurerich and free. Rumlogng is a ham radio logging, qsl handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave dxer, made by a dxer. My state in program config is now bounded to a value list for countries that. Catalan, croatian, danish, english, finish, italian, japanese and.
Klog is a multiplatform free hamradio logger, the only one able to run in linux, windows and macos klog is providing qso management, useful qsl management dxcluster client, dxcc management, clublog integration, wsjtx, dxmarathon support and much more. Below are some shots of the software in action, these are only thumbnails and you can click on the thumbnail picture to view a fullsized image. Dxkeeper is free, comprehensive amateur logging software that. Check out the features of writelog compared to the competition. With the radio amateur callbook cd, or the buckmaster hamcall dvd, installed on your computer, microlog will be able to extract namelocation data for any ham in the world. Ham radio deluxe software radio amateurs best asset.
Qso logging with control for ham radios, dx cluster, operating awards. Writelog contesting software contest logging software. Wcs radio net logger software walker consulting solutions. Including general dx logging, dxpedition, dxsatellite and vhf dx. It can be integrated with the cw terminal program cwtype, morse decoder cwget and rttypsk31. I became an amateur radio operator in 1976, at the age of 14 and have been enjoying many facets of amateur radio ever since. Were confident you will agree that it truly is the next generation of high performance contest logging software. Many radio operators participate in onair meetings called nets from ham radio clubs or groups of friends who want to stay in touch to emergency response and weather spotting teams practicing for emergency communications, on simplex frequencies and repeaters, both planned and spontaneous, there. The reasons for logging your amateur activity fall into three categories. May 31, 2015 a selection of best free amateur radio general logbook programs for windows taken from our huge list of ham radio logging software links category. The log program contains records of the date and time in utc, the band frequency, the call sign of the contacted. It is both a complete dx operations center, as well as a fantastic general purpose log book.
W3km freeware hfvhfuhfmicrowaverover contest logging software. Added viewable clublog sent, qrzcom sent, hamqth sent fields to the list of. Radio amateurs use logbooks special software, where all qsos are logged. Logpa freeware logbook software for logging qsos from 160 meters till 2 meters. Esm enter send message mode just press the enter key to make a qso. Cat frequency display is now user configurable for best visual comfort in settings cat.
The current release version of ham radio deluxe is v6. This software has been in development for many years and the author g0cuz provides this software free to use by all radio amateurs and swls in true ham spirit, as such no warranty is implied or given as to its suitability or reliability. Contacts made with my digital mode software, mixw or digipan, i import into aclog using the adif file interchange. Offer several fatures including rig control, cluster interface, mapping features, awards and dxcc management, lotw, label printing, qrz lookup and more by ik2viw and ik2uvr. For cw, phone and digital modes, its combination of contestoptimized features is. If you have the above software installed, the latest revision below is available at any time.
Option to invert frequencymode order in message sent to radio settings. Winlog32 is amateur radio logging software designed and working on all microsoft windows platforms, e. You can tune your rig from the dx spot checker or the direct tune tab on the station log window. For cw, phone and digital modes, its combination of contestoptimized features is unmatched. Writelog contesting software contest logging software for. I have the ubuntu distribution of linux running on a laptop in the shack. Datamatrix has been in business since 1991 as a manufacturer of quality software platforms for amateur radio applications. A selection of best free amateur radio general logbook programs for windows taken from our huge list of ham radio logging software links category. Pztlog is an amateur radio logging program for rapid qso entry, dxcc stats, dx cluster and psk31, psk63, psk125 and rtty datamodes.
This handy app helps you to quickly and easily log amateur radio contacts while on the air. Since 1995, dxtreme software has been producing powerful and easytouse logging applications for all kinds of radio enthusiasts. Transverter support shf bands supported up to 10, 24, 47, 76, 142 and 241 ghz. W3km freeware hfvhfuhfmicrowaverover contest logging. Legally, a log of your transmissions would be invaluable in proving your innocence in an interference complaint. My personal preference for my general purpose logging software was aclog by n3fjp. Net logging software for radio amateurs and other radio operators. Our mission is to enhance your radio monitoring and operating experience by making it easy and fun to enter your loggings, record audio archives of the stations youve heard or worked, and maintain a image library. Logbook also known as hrdlog is a powerful ham radio logging software program within ham radio deluxe. Mircules ham quicklog describing the great new ham logging. Ham radio deluxe logging software amateur radio operators. Integrated software for logging, rig control, digital modes, satellite. The programs features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this happens.
Operationally, having a log of past contacts is a resource when filling out that dx qsl card that may have taken months to arrive. Dx lab suite if you want to use the same tools for all your radio logging including dx, rag chewing, and net operations, then a general logging program is probably adviseable. Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable. Permission to distribute xmlog for profit is prohibited. Many radio operators participate in onair meetings called nets from ham radio clubs or groups of friends who want to stay in touch to emergency response and weather spotting teams practicing for emergency communications, on simplex frequencies and repeaters, both planned and spontaneous, there are onair meetings going on. Every day contacts with individuals i enter directly into aclog. Ham radio logging software by iv3ddm, includes award facilities, callbook, packet cluster, rtx control, qsl info, adif in english. Logbook also known as hrdlog is a powerful ham radio logging software. It has convenient interface, a good set of tools, and is fast and very easy to use. Ham radio pro for windows 10 free download and software. Logging may be one of the most basic operations of a. Swisslog for windows is a ham radio logging software for the most demanding radio amateur. Consult the n1mm update history notes for information on. Here are a few ham radio logging applications that linux offers.
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